Bringing Search Down to Earth

Here is an article written by a true agency guy. Although very bright and experienced, his comments on the search listing miss the boat completely in my opinion. If you read his article, he compares the impact of a creative message delivered through rich media to a 40...

Should Agencies Do SEM Themselves

Most of the postings on my Blog have been clips from articles I thought my clients would like to read.  As a slight change of pace, I’d like to share my thoughts on a topic that I feel strongly about.  I’d like to give you some background on...

Affiliate Marketing and SEM Revisited

I encourage you to read through this article. My company is currently doing SEM as an affiliate for a major brand and the working relationship is fantastic. We share critical information to make sure that the brand is protected by their agency and that our campaign is...

The Bricks-and-Mortar Edge in SEM

I have started to see the offline impact of a search campaign. Clients with multiple ways to interact with thier customer have a huge advantage on the web and especially when their product has a longer sales cycle such as a large dollar purchase, a financial product...

Local and Regional Search: A Primer

Here is an article on the developments of local search.Local search is steadily improving, but who should use it? My dilemma revolves around the size of my clients. Many of them are just launching national campaigns which is primarily a result of their size. However,...