The search engines have made it very easy for today’s brand marketer to open an account and start spending money in paid search engine marketing. Due to the nature of this user/consumer behavior, even poorly executed paid search can be effective. However, Drive Action brings years of experience to this service. To elevate our client’s search campaigns to another level starts at the early stages. We believe success starts with the establishment of a proper campaign hierarchy and continues through the seamless flow from keyword to conversion which allows for maximum optimization within each aspect of the program. We view the program in its entirety and optimize all along the way from keyword to landing page through conversion. Our team has utilized just about every tool in the market and has the flexibility to work with what our clients have in place if necessary. In addition to managing the program each month, we also provide our clients with easy to understand reports, dashboards and critical analysis.
Tasks & deliverables that often accompany this service include:
- Development of a search strategy
- Definition of goals and success metrics
- Development of a robust, scale-able campaign hierarchy
- Keyword research & analysis
- Creation of ad copy
- Implementation of tracking technology
- Program launch
- Ongoing daily campaign management & optimization
- Monthly reporting, analysis and executive summary
- Monthly reports often include:
- Campaign report
- Ad group report
- Keyword report
- Executive summary